Alan Preece was born in the Midlands in the UK and has spent his life buried up to his elbows in books, movies and comic books. He has been everything from a nightclub bouncer to a upholsterer of antique furniture but all along he believed he was only really good at telling stories.
Almost every job he has ever found himself in was just an opportunity to write and talk about stories, whether those stories were written down in books, drawn in comics or played out on the screen was of no concern to him.
Of course, just because you love doing something does not mean you’re actually any good at it, and like many people Alan has been plagued by this doubt, and though he has many times been told to try to write for a living he has always ignored the advice.
But that does not mean he doesn’t want to be read, it just means he wonders whether he can earn a readers interest; or muster the necessary arrogance to push himself forward as this thing called a “writer”.
Which is why he wrote this mini-biography in the third-person!

Death of the Old Gods
Book 1
The Cluster
The first book in an Heroic fantasy series set in a far future with trapping from our deepest past.
Ballin DuLac, named Ballin Two-Swords for the crossed blades he habitually wears across his back is a Knight Errant who has been banished from his home world, Rimbaud.
Ballin travels between the stars bringing brutal justice to a universe lost in decadence, and as such he has become a legend to be revered and feared.
One such decadent planet is a world called Pergamos, viciously ruled by the disturbed mind of Rais DeGaun who has plans for wider domination.
The planet and its star are shrouded in a gas cloud called The Cluster, and before Ballin can step foot on the world he is caught by an animal who lives in the mists. The Paean Rahab, the huge space-born creature who lives within the gas cloud that covers the local star.
Ballin disappears in the sun fed mists, and his sister Nenive must travel to the hostile world in order to recue her beloved brother.
Together they learn of a plot that could sweep across the universe and pollute even their revered homeworld.
But the plot is only the beginning of their adventure.

Gatehouse Apartments
Welcome to Gatehouse Apartments…
There’s an apartment block on the edge of town that people call The Gatehouse. Many people have lived sad lives between its damp walls, but there are also empty apartments behind some of the thirty-two doors that face those graffiti painted stairs. Apartments devoid of life that is, though they are not entirely vacant of tenants.
The block stood on the grounds of the old Grey Estate, right on the spot where the old gatehouse once stood. If people were to speak about Charles Grey, the town founder that owned the estate, it would have been in hushed tones, but as the old saying went, “if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.”
So, no one ever said anything about Charles Grey.
But that was not the only reason many people avoided Gatehouse Apartments. There were also the noises late at night and the bad luck people often had when they visited…
And, of course, there were those faces that would look down on you from dark windows as you passed. Faces filled with fear, staring out from rooms that had no tenants.
Only the desperate stayed at Gatehouse Apartments…
The desperate, and the dead.