Formatting and Re-Formatting

Learning things as you go is not the best way to go sometimes, but of course sometimes its the only way to do things.

I’ve been putting off doing this “book thing” for, well… forever to be honest, and when I decided to do it I decided all at once. I didn’t let common sense get in the way, I just did it; and now I’m trying to tidy up all the pieces and loose ends I had no idea I was making.

So, reformatting.

I just threw the stories into a file and rendered it without too much thought and what I ended up with was a surviceable but messy eBook.

Well, this afternoon I spent some time reformatting Encounter at Carlin Cove: and Other Stories and standardizing the stories. There wasn’t that much to do, thankfully, and now the whole thing feels so much more complete.

Its all a learning curve, and even if I spend more time on this one than I should (even if I spend a lot of time fixing my own errors) I’ll be learning all I need to do the next one better.

posted by Alan Preece
on September, 29